Incompetent bureaucrats like Mr. Meyer are a typical by-product of
the child custody/child support system. Here is a letter from the Dad who
finally had enough of Mr. Meyer's abuse:
Donn Meyer, CSE Technician
January 2, 1997
DCSE Investigator
130 South Frederick
Cape Girardeau, Mo. 63703
via fax: (573) 290-5739 (573) 290- 5717
cc: Honorable George Oros
Circuit Judge of the First Judicial Circuit
via fax at: (618) 748-9338
Clerk of Circuit Court of Pulaski County Illinois,
Mr. Randy George via fax at: (618) 748-9338
Missouri DCSE Interstate Collections Office
via fax: (573) 751-1257
Missouri DCSE via email at:
Federal Office of Child Support enforcement
David G. Ross Deputy Director
via Email:
Missouri Governor Mel Carnahal
via Email at
Missouri Attorney General Jeremiah W. Nixon
via Email at:
RE: IVD Case No. X0-37805738-A
Mr. Donn Meyer, your letter of December 21, 1996 claiming that I am in arrears on my child support in the amount of $ 1,600.00 and your threat to report this false claim to my creditors every month, is libelous, slanderous and in fact blatantly fraudulent. I am seriously considering legal action against you personally, DCSE and the state of Missouri for your unlawful and clearly irresponsible actions in this matter.
I am obligated under Illinois law to pay my child support to the Circuit Court of Pulaski County in Mounds City Illinois. According to the Clerk of Circuit Court of Pulaski County Mr. Randy George and his Honorable George Oros Circuit Judge of the First Judicial Circuit, your original letter signed by a Don Meyer, Child Support Enforcement Investigator does not supersede a Court order signed by an Illinois Judge. The Clerk of Circuit Court of Pulaski County communicated this to you numerous times some five months ago, you to date have failed to produce an order signed by a Judge.
I sent a copy of your letter to the Clerk of Circuit Court of Pulaski County Mr. Randy George and his Honorable George Oros Circuit Judge of the First Judicial Circuit via fax yesterday along with a letter confirming my position. I spoke to the Clerk of Circuit Court of Pulaski County Mr. Randy George this afternoon, Mr. George indicated upon receipt of my facsimile, he reviewed this matter again with Honorable Judge George Oris and the Illinois State Attorney in Pulaski County. Mr. Randy George again after review confirmed that I would be breaking the law of the state of Illinois if I send my child support payments to your office with out the order in Illinois first being modified. He further stated again, that a letter signed by Don Meyer, Child Support Enforcement Investigator does not supersede a Court order signed by an Illinois Judge. He further reiterated that he has asked you numerous times to produce a court order signed by a Judge in Missouri, that can be considered by an Illinois Judge to modify the original support order. Clerk of Circuit Court of Pulaski County Mr. Randy George further stated that if I pay my support to your office before the order is modified, that the State of Illinois will be forced to initiate measures to collect any child support payments as directed by Court order not duly paid to the Clerk of Circuit Court in Pulaski County Illinois.
In other words Mr. Don Meyer, thanks to your incompetence, now if I obey the law of Illinois then Missouri illegally destroys my credit, if I pay to Missouri based on the signature of a Don Meyer, Child Support Enforcement Investigator I get arrested in Illinois and lose my drivers license for failure to pay my child support as directed by Illinois Court Order. I’ll be damned if I am going to pay double child support to two states due to your inability to understand the process you are supposed to enforce.
After numerous requests by the Clerk of Circuit Court of Pulaski County Mr. Randy George, you have not fulfilled your responsibility to provide a Court Order signed by a Missouri Judge. I on the other hand have continued to pay my Court Ordered Child Support to the lawful Court for distribution, the Clerk of Circuit Court of Pulaski County Illinois. You claim that as I paid these support payments to the Clerk of Circuit Court of Pulaski County Illinois rather then through the Clerk of Circuit Court of Cape Girardeau Missouri that these payments are a gift to my ex-wife and are not to be considered as child support is ludicrous. Further your claim I am in arrears on my child support in the amount of $ 1,600.00 because I paid the money through the Court of "exclusive jurisdiction" the Circuit Court of Pulaski County Illinois rather then the Court of Missouri is again ludicrous. The Clerk of Circuit Court of Pulaski County Illinois record reflects that these payments were received and processed further I am in receipt of the canceled checks. If your actions are representative of how the State of Missouri is going to handle my child support payments for the next 4 years for my daughter and six years for my son, I intend to fight any change in the current Illinois Court Order giving any authority to the State of Missouri what-so-ever.
As clearly evidenced by my 12 years of continuous and un interrupted child support payments to the Clerk of Circuit Court of Pulaski County Illinois I have never missed a single support payment and I certainly have proven that I have no problem in meeting my child support obligation. Your efforts are clearly not based on any legal principles, merely on your personal gratification in the continued unlawful harassment of me.
Once again, as you may not yet understand, with respect to your claim that I am in arrears on my child support; I have been ordered to pay my child support to the Clerk of Circuit Court in Mounds City Illinois. In speaking with the Clerk of Circuit Court in Mounds City Illinois, I am, in fact not in arrears on my child support, in fact the Clerk of Circuit Court gave me accolades for my record of paying my court ordered child support. Your claim that I am in arrears on my Child Support is in fact incorrect, unfounded and fraudulent. You are fully aware my child support is being paid to the Clerk of Circuit Court of Pulaski County Illinois, your claim is in fact, both slanderous and libelous.
I strongly recommend you do some research on UIFSA, it is obvious you are not in tune with current legislation.
UIFSA opted for a "one-stop shopping" approach, giving a state "long-arm" jurisdiction over a child support debtor even where nonresident. This is an exception to the normal rules of law where a court would not have jurisdiction over a nonresident. A state would have this jurisdiction, essentially, if one party or child resides in the state or if the parties agree to transfer continuing exclusive jurisdiction to another state (there are other "long-arm jurisdiction" grounds listed at section 201 of UIFSA).
The first state to impose a support order retains "continuing exclusive jurisdiction" as long as one of the parties continues to reside in that state or if both parties agree to transfer jurisdiction to another state. Until one of those events occurs, only the state which authorized the original support order can modify the award. In this way, all parties, courts and enforcement officials are assured that, between UIFSA states, there can only be one support order in effect at any given time.
Illinois was the first state to impose a support order and fully retains "continuing exclusive jurisdiction". The law intended, in this way, that all parties, courts and enforcement officials would be assured that, between UIFSA states, there can only be one support order in effect at any given time. Your efforts to file blatantly false representations regarding my child support payments is in direct conflict with the intent of UIFSA. This law was clearly intended to protect responsible persons like my self from irresponsible persons such as you.
One more time as you apparently have a problem understanding this matter: You Mr. Don Meyer do not have the authority to over rule a Court Order in the State of Illinois. If you want to seek to change the Order you must provide a Court Order from the State of Missouri signed by a Missouri Judge. A Judge then in Illinois will review the Missouri Order, the circumstances surrounding the change and consider changing the Illinois Order after reviewing all related circumstances regarding the matter.
In closing, while there are literally thousands of Dead Beat Dads out
their who intentionally disregard their child support obligation and need
to be pursued, you chose to harass me, a law abiding non-custodial parent
that has never missed a single child support payment. I will be forwarding
copies of all correspondence regarding this matter to those officials in
Missouri with authority over you, seeking immediate disciplinary action.
Further I suggest you consider legal representation, as I am seeking legal
council to file suit against you personally, DCSE and the state of Missouri
for your illegal actions in this matter as indicated in the opening paragraph
of this letter.
The original of this message, and followups to it, can be found in the newsgroup alt.child-support under the title "NCP Fighting Back!"